• Q. 1

    What is a Choice Retreat Weekend about?

    A Choice retreat weekend is a retreat for single young people. It happens three times a year: usually in late March/ early April, early June, and mid-October. A Choice retreat weekend gives young people a much-needed chance for personal introspection and development.

  • Q. 2

    Why do I have to stay for the entire weekend?

    A Choice retreat weekend provides an ambiance conducive to the retreat experience. Additionally, having everyone on site aids in much-needed timekeeping, since the schedule can be a bit hectic at times.

  • Q. 3

    What’s the schedule like?

    During a Choice retreat weekend, there are sessions on Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning to mid-afternoon.

  • Q. 4

    Why is it such a big secret?

    While the occurrence of the retreat weekend itself is not a secret, the content of the weekend itself is kept under wraps. There are some wonderful events that take place for which the surprise would be ruined if a participant knew beforehand.

  • Q. 5

    Why can’t you do it if you’re married?

    The Choice Weekend is for single young adults. While there is some benefit to be had for anyone doing this retreat, a lot of the proceedings are targeted directly to single young adults.

  • Q. 6

    Do you have to be Catholic to do the retreat weekend?

    Any young single person between the ages of 21-40 with an open mind is welcome to do the Choice weekend. While being Catholic is not a requirement to do the retreat, the retreat is being facilitated by a Catholic organization and there may be Catholic elements present. Of course, as with the Catholic Church itself, all are welcomed!

  • Q. 7

    If you are gay, can you do the Choice Retreat Weekend?

    As long as you are a single young adult between the ages of 21-40 and you are willing to have an open mind, you can do a Choice retreat.

  • Q. 8

    My boyfriend and I live together; why can’t we stay in the same room?

    Sleeping arrangements are assigned by gender, and therefore you will not be able to stay in the same room. To be fair, we also do not allow close friends to stay in the same room.

  • Q. 9

    How can I help out at a Choice Retreat Weekend?

    The Choice Movement's Executive and Retreat Weekend volunteers are primarily made up of persons who have previously participated in Choice retreats. You can also check our "Support Us" page for information on how to donate to The Choice Movement.